Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Perinatal Data

The Victorian perinatal data collection unit (PDCU) has revised its data form, to be used from 1 January 2009. Midwives who are currently listed by the PDCU as those who attend homebirths will receive the new forms this month.

Five independent midwives attended a training day today, presented by the PDCU, to explain the changes to the form, and to discuss the planned electronic transmission of data from hospital data collection systems to the PDCU. Midwives reporting on homebirths, and small maternity hospitals which do not have the data collection systems running, will continue to fill out the forms manually, and post them to the PDCU. The information sent in hard copy will be entered into the system as it is at present.

New information fields that appear in the revised form include the aboriginality status of the baby as well as the mother; smoking; times of onset of labour, onset of second stage, and rupture of membranes; indication for induction; fetal monitoring in labour; waterbirth; amount of blood loss; hepatitis B Vaccination; and breastfeeding status. The leading intrapartum care provider (midwife, obstetrician, or GP) will also be recorded.

More information is available at the PDCU website , including the Guide for the completion of the Perinatal Morbidity Statistics form.

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