Thursday, January 13, 2011

nhmrc and Vitamin K

Forwarding message:
I would like to inform you that the NHMRC Joint statement and recommendations for vitamin K administration to newborn infants to prevent vitamin K deficiency bleeding in infancy (the Joint Statement) was re-issued in by NHMRC CEO in November 2010.

The Joint Statement was published in 2000 and reissued unchanged by NHMRC in 2006 following a recommendation from NHMRC Council. In 2010, a literature review on vitamin K prophylaxis to newborns was undertaken by NHMRC followed by two rounds of expert consultations. Following the literature review and expert consultations, the recommendations contained within the Joint Statement remain unchanged.

The revised Joint Statement has an accompanying brochure Vitamin K for newborn babies. Information for parents. This brochure was updated to be consistent with the revised Joint Statement. Both of these publications are available at

Also attached is a flier promoting the re-issuing of the Joint Statement and the vitamin K brochure for your distribution.

If you have any questions, please call me on 02 6217 9013.

Kind regards,
Marion Carey
Project Officer | Health Evidence & Advice
National Health & Medical Research Council

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